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Feb 11, 2011

How Do I earn commission from Q sales?

for 1 month
1st month
$0 - $399 20% 5% →
$400 - $799 22% 5% →
$800 - $1,199 24% 5% →
$1,200 - $1,999 26% 5% →
$2,000 - $2,999 28% 5% →
$3,000 - $3,999 30% 5% →
$4,000 + 32% 5% →

New THRIVE Q customers must stay on the Q for a minimum of 3 months for consultants to qualify for commissions.

You will receive 5% commission each month from those on the THRIVE Q.

Each month the company will add up how many Q dollars you have earned for brand new Q's. They use the chart on the left to determine your payout % based on that number.

The 2nd month and so on after that you only earn the 5% commission on your Q customers.

So if you sign up 10 people on the Q this month, each for $100 a month, then that is $1000 in Q dollars which means you are earning 24% on those brand new Q's!

Along with building a team, building your Q customer list is essential in your business.

Q's will count as a sale that you didn't have to scout out and you earn commission every month from it.

This is absolutely unique to Shelf Reliance. No one else has this and it makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE! And it makes it possible to earn more commission each month and give less parties as well.

Note: You do not earn commission on your own personal Q. That goes to the person that signed you up on the Q. Sometimes that is your enroller and sometimes it isn't. Because of the residual income benefit, Q orders don't move from consultant to consultant, they are fixed.

A customer can still purchase from someone else, but their Q remains with you.