I am from:
I am so glad to be here
I am a consultant with THRIVE FOODS.
I’ve been a consultant since:
And I love what I do.
If you are interested in an opportunity like this, let me know or check the box on your order form and we can talk. This is a wonderful company with lots of amazing products.
What I do is teach people how to save, time, money and eat more healthily by building a HOME STORE.
How often do you run to the grocery store for 1 item and come back with 10? You’ve just used up a lot of time, gas, and money on that trip for one item. What if you had this item in your HOME STORE?
How often do you throw away wilted vegetables or moldy fruit? Twenty five percent of our groceries are thrown in the garbage every week! What is your fruit and vegetables could last longer, be more healthy and have no added sugar, salt or preservative in them?
How often do you find you have no time to put together a dinner! You scurry around throwing ingredients together to later find out your forgot to defrost the ground beef?
These are problems we all face in our everyday lives. And I’m here to show you how we can fix them.
Let’s have a look at a couple of our most common kitchen ingredients?
Pass around: celery, mushrooms, sour cream powder, roast beef. None of these will go bad in your fridge!
Talk about eggs and neighbors. How many eggs? If you borrow you have to treat back!
Turn with me in your cookbooks to page:
This is why THRIVE FOOD is so good for you, saves you time and saves you money.
Explain FREEZE dried v. dehydrated.
Shelf Life
No preservatives
No sugar
No salt
Now turn to page: and let’s see these recipes and taste them
Chicken Salad
This is how I made them.
How does it taste? Quality? Nutrition? Color? Diced (saves you time, great baby food)
Is this something you could make at home for your family?
Explain rehydration and conversion table
By getting the ingredients you use the most, you can make all your family’s favorite meals right from your pantry.
Let’s try an activity. Hand out paper and pens
In this first column, write the name of your family’s 2 favorite dinners
In this column fill in the meat, dairy, dried/canned, fruit and vegetable
Now let’s have a volunteer share their favorite meal.
Okay: let’s use this recipe to figure out what “Heather” needs to have in your HOME STORE.
Choose another volunteer. Do the same.
The “HOME STORE” concept, is the best way to save you time, money and anxiety you might have felt over meals for you and your family. And it is available for you to build online.
You can build a supply of your favorite recipes and staples and get them delivered right to your door once a month. Put it away to use it on a regular basis or even save it for a rainy day.
You choose your favorite food and you choose the delivery date.
When you set up your shipments, you are always guaranteed the lowest price available online! For $100 a month or more, you will receive exclusive recipes from our Thrive Chefs, Coupons and Discounts as well as earn free product.
Who would like to take advantage of this great program?
Great! Let’s set up your HOME STORE tonight!